Thursday 27 December 2012

RWBY by Roosterteeth

Red like roses fills my dreams and bring me to the place you rest.
White is cold and always yearning burdened by royal test.
Black the beast descends from shadow.
Yellow beauty burns... gold.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Quote #1

Justice means nothing if you don't go overboard!
-Unzen Miyouri

Monday 17 December 2012

1st week of holiday

So, holiday wasn't that bad. I dun feel any sianness. And b4 i realised it, today is the 2nd week liao.
So what i basically did for the 1st week is play play play and sleep. Waking up late, playing to late night.

But thn aside from these normal things, i went to sch on thur to do project. Almost the whole class(our class only 14 ppl) ard 8 came. So we decided to meet at 10 to eat yakun but it failed, coz some came very late. So we decided to just eat lunch st8 coz lazy to move and just order KFC. After eating, do a bit work, went to library for some games. Played kinect dance central, thn sabotuer, and thn CS. CS was damn freaking funny. Thn we played until the library about to close at 6+ and went home.

I think it was friday or sat? Followed shaw to buy his stuff. He bought hair dye, phone cover, and xmas gift for his classmate. I bought two pants at bugis, so nxt time i go buy clothes i can no need buy pants liao.

So actually decided to learn hiragana during the 1st week and seems that it failed as i kept on playing.

Read Medaka box to the latest, watching the anime now, still okay i think but the manga is much better. I expected Medaka to sound more like Erza from fairytail or some very strong female char, but not leh haha.

Currently have some manga still reading on, Bakuman, Mahou sensei negima. And about to start reading To-Love-Ru and Fujimura kun meitsu.

Finshed watching Fate/stay night. Got a little confused at the ending to i went to look up abit.

For games, i'm still playing prototype2, haven complete. Borrowed One piece pirate warrior from shaw coz my bro keep saying he wanted to play, but after like 1 hr of playing, i nvr see him touch again.
Also borrowed guitar hero 5 and the guitar from zx, but thn he forgot to bring the adapter so i couldn't play T-T(Badluckgy)
Started playing Dota2. The graphic is damn awesome! The skill keys are easier to press now and the shop they combine to become like a list with tabs. Haven played any pub games coz i no confident, so maybe i will practice a little more 1st.
Maple, my phantom finally 4thjob, now lv 123. Just lend bro 1b for some investment in some stuff that my bro buying for 3b, which he later gonna sell 6b.
Haven been BSing after exam.

So that's it :)
And the Charlotte Figure below is just so Kawaii~~! I want one! Haha

Sunday 9 December 2012


Yay! Its holiday! But its only 3 weeks. Still okay, i think 3 weeks should be enough. Not planning to get a job since my nxt holiday which is the 6 weeks 1, i will be doing ITP(Industrial Training Programme) where sch will appoint me to some local company to work for 6 weeks. Hope i get something nice though i heard a lot ppl complain about how their bosses suck them dry or whatever.

So this sem have been quite relaxing i suppose, 3 MST, Cprog, Emath and MAPP. I think i gg for Cprog and math but i think still can pass la. MAPP was fking easy, learnt 5 chap in 5 hours 9pm to 2am, the latest i had ever studied to in my whole education life. Just reading the txtbook, and i'm surprised that i actually understand it! So maybe i should do that more often? Nah, my lazyness will kick in in the end.

So i haven been doing things like out of the ordinary, so there's nth much to blog about recently(Excuses). Ah, I FINALLY GOT PS3!!! YES! After like so long. Haha, completed prototype 1 just b4 my MAPP test coz i got to the most exciting part of the story and i couldn't wait to finsh it. So now playing prototype2, it just came out this year i think. Maybe i should do a review on it when i'm boring during my holiday. Oh, and shaw lend me naruto generation. Choinged the storymode to unlock all the characters with my bro. Done it in like total 6hrs? Hahaha could had been faster but at some point we just keep losing and not willing to lower down the level of difficulty. Its was fun trying out all the characters and seeing their ulti jutsu. Some of my fav char are, Sasori, Young Lee, Young Kiba and maybe Mizukaga. Hmm.. I think i can use almost all the characters including puppet users XD(Haolian), but no matter how high my skill is, there will be better players from other place when i play in online mode. And its damn lagggg!!

Started watching Fate/stay night. I think it was not bad, but other ppl says fate/zero will be nicer, so i'm lookin forward to it. Also watching Yuru Yuri season 2. Hahaha a light comedy anime.
Read Medaka box to the latest chapter. Ahhh! Cant wait for the new 1 to come out! Coz its reaching the exciting part! Its a awesome manga and i totally recommend it, supernatural and school life and i like the way the add in the comedy and the drawing style for this manga, all the characters and very pretty and handsome but its not a shoujo manga. Decided to start reading naruto manga to update myself for naruto too.

So that's about it. Will blog more since its holiday time and i will probably be bored at some point. And damn! Mixpod in down and no music.

Monday 3 December 2012


So.. I finally turned 18? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Like finally i can go buy alcohol or 4D or Toto on my own!!! LOL!

Hahaha so for this so called "Special day" by most of the ppl on earth, is just a normal day for me.  Maybe for some various reasons this day lost its meaning to me in the past years, but i'm still grateful to those who rmbed to wished me!!

Parents gave me ang bao, and ordered pizza for dinner! Haha it has been ages since i eat!(Actually not so long). So spent my day just slacking ard my house, playing PS3, and comp. Oh and those minutes that i spent on reading thru for MST that dun add up to 30min. Hahaha just dun feel the stress for MST leh..

Hmm.. So i will be having my test later, so now that im 18, maybe my brain automatic become better? Hahaha! jk!

Ehh, so as i see, ppl wish for something during their bday right? So i wish that my MST will pass at least for the two paper later :) Since i didn't really study at all.

3-5= toddlers
18=21=young adult
(GY Logic)
So i always see it as from 17 become 18 is like evolving from Teen to young adult right? So its time to be mature! Not that i know how to, but its kinda like being able to think properly right? Hmmm... and i feel my personality has change for the better! I am no longer upset about unnecessary stuff, i could control my temper more and the things that affects me dun affect me anymore as i learnt to dun care. 

Haha and once again, Thanks to those who wished me and my parents who wasted money to order piazza for me.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Anime Fest

This is my 1st time going to AFA, was pretty excited about it. Went with shaw and his classmate Joey. Haha actually wanted to blog about it on sun, but lazyness took over. Alright, here it goes!

So met with shaw at 1pm, and we kinda rush there coz i saw my fren tweeting about the long Q, thn i suddenly rmb need to Q LOL. So we took almost an hour(or more) coz we are kinda lost after we reached expo. Hahah we just followed the ppl who we think is going to the AFA and somehow ended up in the wrong place. Lucky i called lance to ask for directions. Otw there saw a lot ppl with the one piece bag and katanas. Saw quite a few Miku cosplay as well. Found the long Q but it was surprising fast. After we bought the ticket, met up with Joey thn we were kinda kana push to the middle of the expo. Here's some rdm shot

1st picture, some anime poster advertising headphones. 
madoka magica 
Some merchandise.  From top to bot, To aru majutsu no index, Katekyo Hitman reborn, Fairytail, Ano no exorcist
A shop selling lots of kinds of swords!! And hat.

Shaw posing a cool pose with gundam.

After that, i got so into sightseeing and nvr take photos liao, LOL maybe i just dun have the habit.
So here's a rdm floor shot.

So we walked ard looking at shops, figurines, cosplay, artwork. Found the maid and bulter cafe, but confirm expensive+a bit waste of time since we like short of time.
Met two of my sec sch jrs, one of them even cosplay some char from Baka to test!(But i dun rmb any male char with blonde hair). Oh and i found out that my cousin was there too but we didn't met.
My fav place would be the 4 rows of stalls showing and selling their artwork. There are seriously a lot of beautiful artwork around there. Saw this BRS and Deadmaster artwork, but both sold out... So regret nvr go earlier. So i learnt my lesson liao, Nxt time must go prepared with MONEY AND TIME.

Here are some of the things i bought, i only bring $28 LOL.

Awesome artwork of BRS!! This is actually my 1st poster .

BRS file to keep my anime drawings inside. At 1st i tot got 1, but thn its actually TWO!

Found out that i only had a cosplay photo of Yuno from Mirai nikki. LOL its was damn funny!
Shall wait for nxt years AFA, hopefully more ppl can go tgt! The more the merrier!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Random drawing 10

Attempted to draw Nagato Yuki, but dun look like. Look more like Rena from Higurashi. 

Thursday 25 October 2012

Another half of 2nd year

So the last half of my 2nd year had began. Days were still pretty relax. There are more practical this time as compared to last sem.
1st, my timetable is actually not bad. But, there are 8am lesson 3 days in a row, like siao leh. Lucky this sem the teacher also kind, still take attendance for late comers, if not i die liao.

My modules not bad. Computer programming was interesting, creating the programs by typing codes and stuff. But my cousin warned me that its not an easy module and i might hate it in the future. O.0 so serious? LOL but i actually prefer this than calculations.
There are other modules like Design and fab. So we are suppose to design a AGV out, which is a small vehicle using reflective sensor to walk along the line. To be honest, the teacher instructions were not really clear. Sometimes want us to do the parts in Autodesk, sometimes want us to draw and design our grps desgin. And he haven mention about making them yet. Not sure can make it by the deadline anot, and i sensed we need use our own time to go workshop do.

There is GenEd is usual, extra module which serve almost no purpose.  I know teachers always say, u must take coz it benefits u, teach u about the world, teach u how to present and stuff, design thinking. SMLJ? LANJIAOLAH Thn we have "Teamwork and Communication Skill" "Communication Skills for work" and "ITOE" for fking fuck? I mean, since we had modules like TCS and CWS to teach us how to present proly, and learn how to work as a team and how to communicate, and ITOE to learn design thinking process and stuff(Honestly i had gone thru like about 5times about design thinking process). Why the fucking fk do we need another extra module with FKING EXTRA PROJECTS AND REFLECTIONS THAT  FKING WASTE OUR TIME AND IT WILL BE GRADED IN OUR FKING GPA??? LANJIAOLAH! Somemore, it is for our to know more about the world? I guess there is not a need coz our own teachers are always talking about the world.
I rather have GEM where we can choose modules of our interests or some language modules just like other poly have.

Meet up with sec sch friends every tues for dinner. Ytd just went NYP with zixing. Really long no go there since the AEM of sec sch DNT. NYP is a nice sch, i like how their buildings were constructed. Went to the digital media block(actually i also dunno where i'm going). I like how their comp lab or classroom were structured. Its like u go in, like a maze, feels like underground instead of 4th floor.  U can see inside the classroom from outside as the whole half of the wall is glass. So as i walked thru the corridors i was so impressed by the computers and macs and tables and chair and spaces and etc LOL. And the students can just access the lab using their NYP card and freely use the comp. Nice or what sia!? In SP still need wait outside the hot and dry corridors. Oh, and NYP like very eventful like that. Got ppl singing, sell stuff, book fair, dancing, marathon.

Wahaha so long no blog liao. So that's all! May patience be with you. and me LOL

Friday 12 October 2012

A room of my own

I used to have my own room a while back ago for ard a 1year(more or less), now it has being rented out. At first i did hesitate when my parents asked me if i could let them rent out my room and share with my bro again(this is the 2nd time we rented a room to others), but i agree in the end since i feel that their load will be lighter and they decided to invest on buying some "features" in the room like a bed and cupboard for the tenant to fetch a higher rent(not as high as i tot it would though).

I wanted to have my own room though. There are advantages like, my bro early wake up for sch wun disturb my sleep, dun feel cramp, can watch my show without fighting vol level with bro, etc. Last time my room was very very simple. A bed at a comer, a desk opposite my bed, and a cupboard under my bed(not literally under ).

So i would like to share my own "how i wish my room would be"
Putting affordability aside.

In my room i will have a "Sofa combine bed" (sofa below, thn got ladder climb out bed) against the wall, opposite of it will be a 42 inch TV(Issit too big?) on a TV console. On the TV console will have PS3, and the games neatly arranged beside it.
Beside it will be a glass shelf thing for my anime figures display.
Under my bed(not literally) will be my desk. Beside my desk will be a shelf to put my manga books. Next will be the cupboard. There will be a hook somewhere with more space, of coz away from my TV and anime figures, to hang a punching bag.
My walls will be some light-colour colours, and hanging some of my Favorite posters. And curtain too!
Of coz not just only these, but that's how i pictured my "would-be room"

Hm.. Lets try to calculate the cost.. The sofa bed thingy is... okay lets say $6000 1st. PS3 ard $500 and more. TV $1000. Tv console $700. Anime figure display+shelf $600 and more. Desk ownself got. Book shelf $200. Manga books $500 and more(calculated by the series i wanted to get now)
cupboard ownself got. Punching bag $200. Painting the walls $100. Posters $50( i will have like 2-4 only) Curtain $30.

Total estimated cost $9880 and more(for PS3 games+Anime figures+manga book)
Wow~! if i tio 4D i one day, and win $20000, i confirm have my room like this~ XD

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My view of the world(Literally)

I got bad eye sight since from very very young, k2 if i'm not wrong. I dun rmb the real reasons why i suddenly got bad eye sights, but i rmb i can't watch the TV clearly so i moved very close to it. Probably watching too much TV.

Now my current degree is 800/900, and that's a year ago, i believe now 1000+ liao la. So when i'm without my glasses, it seems that some objects like disappear. E.g writings on the white board will totally 100% disappear. Oh! And every person i see without glasses become "slenderman" from a distance of ard 2m or above away. Ya i can't see your facial features and sometimes hair if u got very short hair.

So i dun have any memories of seeing the world with my bare eyes(Okay i dun have memories of me being a baby or a bit older, i'm sure most dun). I would wish my eye sight just magically, recover. Hahaha a lot ppl might say, why not just wear contact lens? Okay, i wan to experience the HD/Blueray view of the world with my bare eyes instead of looking thru something to view it. And i dun like+ afraid to put things into my eyes.

Soooo~~ I wanna go eye lasik(is that how they spell it?) Okay, eye laser surgery. Its expensive in the past, but gotten cheaper as the years go by. And higher technological powers too. There are ppl supporting to go, as well as ppl against it.

Some ppl say it will not be good for ur eyes and plus it might not 100% work. Maybe it will return to e.g. 300? but u will still need to wear glasses, just thinner.  Even if ur eyes become "perfect"
there are chances of u returning to the state where ur eyes can't see clearly again.
Yes i agree, i believe everything has a side effect to it. And i consider eyes as one of the most fatal organ(okay all balls are very impt, if u know what i mean~) So it will be damaged very easily. Somemore my eyes from young alrdy bad, so i also have no confident that my eyes will recover too. And maybe there are a lot others side effects that i nvr go research, coz i always get gross out if i see disgusting organs. (There was once, the bio lesson, teacher show a video of a process of the person dissecting the eye of the bull. It really gross me out, i had my eyes close most of the time)

Some ppl says its okay to go for eye lasik. There was once, i was chatting with my GenEd teacher, and i dunno how the topic change to eye sight. He said that he used to wear glasses too, and he went lasik at ard the age of 30, up to now he feel perfectly fine(i tihnk he is ard 40 now). He even said he regreted not going earlier coz your eyes stop developing ard the age of 21-23. And waste his 20s wearing glasses. So i went on and asked him about the eyes going back to long-sighted. He said normally ppl grow old, the eyes will be short-sighted instead. Although he is not a doctor or maybe he hears from a doctor. I haven really go and research about it. But i somehow believe what he said as it makes sense to me. But of coz, even if my eyes are repaired doesn't mean i no need to take care of it, unless robotic eyes LOL! Okay no, even machines need maintenance right? HOHO!

So i think i might give it a try since my eyes is already bad and i might gone blind someday(i always have the thoughts that i will go blind coz my degree very high).
And i hope by the time i'm financially and mentally(as i said i'm scared of things going in my eyes, althought its laser.) the technology will be so advance that it gives 100% of my eye sight back. Best is become forever wun spoil LOL

Sunday 30 September 2012

Random typing

So actually i wanted to post about my recent life, but thn come to think of it, its nothing special so i lazy to type a whole long thing. Recent happenings are, met with sec sch fren to walk walk at town, met jas and sl have dinner and walk at bishan park, invited to sl's sis bday chalet, went to return books with the company of sl. okay i think no more. I'm not gonna say the details coz its uninteresting to type.

 2 more weeks to reopen sch. Must work hard.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Fav food

These is some of my fav food!!

SHIN RAMYUN~~~!!! This is one of my favorite instant noodle. The type that i eat everyday i also wun mind 1. REALLY DAMN NICE!!!! A bit spicy spicy, but not very spicy also. Just nice. And i can't take very spicy food. And i love to eat CUP NOODLES too. except for tomyum.

Nxt will be SUSHI~
Small small cute cute. I like tamago sushi, unagi sushi and tuna sushi. I think still got others. But that 3 is my top fav.

I like to toast 1 side of the bread, along with a honey baked ham and a slice of cheese on top. Thn will some sort of melt the cheese also, thn put a normal bread on top. WALA~ grilled honey baked cheesy sandwich~

halfboil egg with bread and kopi for breakfast.
Seldom eat dimsum for breakfast coz they are expensive.

Chicken rice. Actually i'm quite fond of eating chicken rice, but must be nice 1, not like those selfish give little little chicken 1.

Chocolate. Although i dun like to eat sweets, chocolate is an exception~

Cheese roti prata. I just love things with cheese. and Cheese plus curry actually not bad. Double the stickyness.

Western food. Although they are expensive, i dun mind eating them once in a while.

Burger king. I just love their onion rings~~ And the mushroom grill chicken burger not bad. Oh and the double fish burger too!

Still got somemore, but i will stop here.

Monday 24 September 2012


Recently i have been thinking a lot about myself. "What haven i been doing?"

Its year 2 alrdy, but i have been like slacking thru all the lessons. Studying last min. Although i passed everything. My GPA didn't really raised. As compared to most of my friends, mine is like completely fail. As i see others working so hard to achieve an A or at least B, having high goals, while i'm here like a failure who only knows how to complain that teachers are useless and didn't even tried to study on my own until a week b4 exams.
My 1st GPA wasn't even that great. I still rmb it was checked after the chalet with sec sch frens. At the last day, everyone was checking their GPAs, they were all very high as compared to mine. Though i was very happy that i got 2.3 back then coz i have zero physic backgrd and didn't failed anything. But now i really regret i didn't work harder and lying to myself to say engineering is difficult so its okay if i got this score. If my classmate got get As for all modules, why can't i? They are doing the same math, learning the same formulas, memorizing the same theory.

I also been getting annoyed easily. Little things really annoys me and my temper just went up. And getting sad over little stuff, being negative as well. Like overreacting over small things that are getting on my nerves. Doing/saying things without thinking. I'm sure i irritated some ppl. I'm really really sorry if i had make you all angry. Yes i had no excuses for my actions, i'm just being a spoiled brat.

And after ard 2 more years i will be going to the army, and after that, i can't see my future anymore. I dun really know what i want to do. Seeing my friends having goals in their life really makes me thinking too. Some want to be weapon specialist, teacher, biology, game designer, etc. Okay maybe not so far yet, i noe a lot of my frens are aiming to go to uni. For me i dun even noe what uni are there, and always confused over the names. I noe with result like mine, i can't go anywhere. So i must take not going uni in consider for my future. Means coming out from army, what will i do? Maybe i could work in some factory/office? If possible, i will like to learn japanese and both traditional and CG drawings and work in some CG design or manga company if out there in the work have. I dunno if like e.g. I always see ppl recruiting translators, editors, animators,etc, i dunno if is do for free or really as work. I know i dun have what it takes to be a good artist, but i hope its not too late though. And i sucks at languages so translators may be too hard.
None of these are really related to engineering, but i dun think its that bad to walk the engineering path either. In the time now, almost everything is mechantronics. Your car, plane, rollercoastor, and i really hope i could go to japan and work at some company that designs robots. I know there are also other countries, but i just love japan, even those i had nvr been there b4. Maybe its becoz japan was the 1st country i know which got 4 seasons and i think its amazing. If i really want to do this, i need to work extra hard to be able to achieve this. And the both jobs i wrote above, does it counted as my dream/goal? Haha

I need to clear my mind as well. As i said above that a lot of things annoys me recently, of coz i will have rude thinking like cursing ppl to die/accident. Being rude to ppl in my mind, scolding them in my mind. And i had a lot of negative thoughts like saying things cmi even thought i nvr tried. These kinds of thinking will surely lead me to troubles and ppl around me to hate me as what's in your mind will lead to yours actions right? I want to say sorry again for those ppl who i had been very rude with.

Alright, this is just a small reflection. Maintain calm, control my temper, may patience be with me.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Ao no exorcist Characters (Random drawings 9)

Here's the picture of what i drew. They are not my idea, i just used it to practice drawings.
The most right seems to be a bit odd one out, so i changed and drew another character. 

Saturday 22 September 2012

How ppl see me?

For years i wonder how ppl see me? Like am i irritating? Am i uninteresting? Am i boring?
U know, some roles of ppl are like the main characters. And for me, i'm mostly just an unimportant supporting character. And i'm just there. I dun really have any existence.

Sometimes i feel jealous when i see my friends always having someone to text or msn or chat with. Even my bro is like skyping with his friends every night. Some ppl are like, just no need to do anything, will have ppl auto come to talk to them. Just like that.
While some ppl like me with no one auto come talk to u, not matter how hard we tried to have a conv with others. The conv dun last. The way they text with others and me is total opposite. The msg are short and usually just an okay or oh or lol or sometimes it just leave us hanging there. Not sure is too busy, or just dun wan to talk to a person like me. And i know i will be irritating to keep trying to start up a conv.

This is not recently or what, its like for years its always like that. I dunno if i got communication problems or what. But i think is just ppl dun come to talk to me is coz i am guangyi. I do feel lonely sometimes, but i believe i will be able to achieve the state whereby i dun do need to communicate anymore, as in i dun feel lonely even without anyone.

Bits of my childhood

Alright this post will be me trying to rmb any bits of my childhood. So whatever comes in mind i write here. To be honest i dun really rmb what i did as a child, coz most is very boring stuff. So here it go..

Running for yellow house for p1 and p2. rest of the years sit there watch.

Played super mario until final stage which is 8 i think thn beat it 1 time only.

Contra, rainbow island, super mario was my fav.

This current house i'm living in is my 2nd house, i dun have any memories on the 1st 1.

Play catching in the artroom.

Some "Think they prefect very big" Prefect makes me hate prefect. That's why when i was chosen for selection, i gave troll answers.
1st qns,"If recess time is up, a student still eating, what will you do?"
"Call him eat faster"
"What if they dun listen?"
"Call teacher"
"What if no teacher?"(This qns too wtf liao)
"No teacher how to have school?"

2nd qns,"If u are a teacher and brings ur students to hiking and one of them is missing, what will you do?"
"Find him"
"What if cannot find?"
"But this select for prefect right? Why become teacher?"

Seriously i still rmb, those qns were retarded, and i was interviewed by 2 teachers and the head prefect(Which i dun like him)

Catching tappod.

Catch fish in drain.

A friend gave me fishes.

Fav toy was lego.

Always wanted to see snow. And got confused why here no snow.

Every year, teachers complain about my english.

Learnt to ride bicycle in K2.

Played bayblade with other kids in the play grd.

Fav cartoon was pokemon, doraemon.

Nvr understood trading cards game until i'm older( like yugioh and duelmaster)

Got my spec at K2

Amazed by battleon

Chess club in pri sch. Met some retarded players, as in not noob, is lose alrdy they like become retarded mode and start playing with the pieces.

Forced to join a chess competition at p6, lost at 1st round coz its too troublesome.

Fav food at pri sch was hor fun.

Got lost in a supermarket, starts crying. (This 1 i very very young, but i still rmb)

Fed a dog bone.

Bro always cry from p2-5. As in very little things he jiu cry liao, causing my relatives always say i bully him. Until i sian alrdy. But he still can fight back when younger thn p2, not sure why when he at p2, he always cry.

At young, i do hate my bro coz he always cry and causing all my relative to think i'm a big bully. Somehow got used to it, and since everyone thinks like that, might as well bully until he stop crying.

Discovered how to fold a shuriken by myself. Its actually made by this china guy, but he dun wan teach ppl. So i unfolded it and learn myself muhahaha.

Taught everyone how to fold during p5 for game station in some carnival.
(The game is throw the shuriken and hit the cans)

Some of my classmates are complain king

Bronze all the way for nafa.

Joined at a helper for a dance competition, which is to remove the chairs halfway when my classmates are dancing. Purpose is to skip class and follow the dancers go practice.
My class got 1st.

Always sleep at 10 latest 1030

Actually studied for Spelling of english and chinese.

Watch Tv most of the time since i dun have much toys to play with. Resulting in my poor eye sight now.

Neopets are pretty boring to me.

Mom sent me and my bro for art lessons when i'm p5-6. Not sure why, but i came up with a theory when i'm older that is she always see ppl sending their children for classes and piano or something, so she sent us to go art lessons since its cheap.

Okay i will stop here. These are some of my childhood moments. Dun really have any epic de, just very normal.

Friday 21 September 2012

My existence

Looking at my keyboard. Got lots of stuff in my mind but i dunno how to express it out.
People often says, show if u are sad, show if u are angry.
Actually, i always got confused with my sad thoughts and stopped thinking about it.
Some common qns always comes to my mind when i'm thinking should i be sad/angry.
Do i have any rights? But the thing dun really concern me right? Its just a small thing there is no need to S/A over it. It should be a misunderstanding right? and etc.

So the thing i'm sad about now, i dun really need to be sad right? I mean it happened a lot times before, shouldn't i already prepared to foresee this outcome everytime i try? Ya its normal, nothing to be sad about.

OC5 (Random drawins 8)

Not completed yet coz i wan to color it

Thursday 20 September 2012

OC4 (Random drawings 7)

1st time inking. 

Who read?

Actually i'm very curious if there is anyone reading my blog. Please post something >>>
or tell me in other ways.
LOL i'm just curious

Five senses

Sight, taste, smell, touch, hear. These are the 5 senses we have. Oh and i believe the sixth sense is depend on your alertness and how great ur 5 sense is. E.g. Some animal can sense the rain/storm b4 it really come. I believe their strong sense of hearing in wind and smell of atmosphere enable to let them know.

So today topic will be, Which of these 5 senses i dun wan to lose the most. So for me, it will be my sight.
If i lose my other senses, e.g
hearing, i can communicated with words on paper.
taste, will i think i still can survive in a more boring way
touch, means i feel no pain? okay i dun understand losing sense of touch
smell, same as tase

But if i lose my sight, i cannot see a lot of things, and i will live in darkness for my life.
There are a lot of things i wanted to see.
Snow falling from the sky was something i always wanted to see from as a child til now. So b4 i gone blind or die, i want to see snow at least once. I dun wan fake snow. That is the only child's dream i had. I will fulfilled it one day. And i will build snowman! Muahahaha!

A better being

Have control. My emotions, my temper.
Stay calm. Dun get agitated.

Its just a cycle

I noe it will happen again. Pretty sure. But this time, I will be able to control.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tuesday 18 September 2012


One of the reasons why i love anime is becoz it allows me to escape from the reality world. I rmb how i started to get addicted to anime, is becoz of something that made me depressed(I'm not going to say what it is) and i keep thinking about it. Soooo~ I just watched a lot of anime, and it really divert my thoughts away. I really love watching random comedy anime, coz they do really stupid stuff. Like nijijou, daily lives of high school boys, now got 1 called Kill me baby also very funny and cute.
When i watch anime, even my mum call me i also dunno.
So everyone have their own ways to cheer themselves up.

And i dun just watch anime whenever i'm sad. I watch it almost everyday, and yes, i had too much free time too, dun jealous.

Gave up

Can any accidents happen to me so i could injure my head and lost all of my memories??

Sunday 16 September 2012

Random question

Would u prefer something u had for 5 years or something new and interesting and wun last?

Normal sunday

Hi, i'm here blogging coz i kept dying on blackshot since my Sniper expires T^T. I'm not good with rifle. Snipers are the best. OneShotKill.

So last wed had steamboat with friends. Bought too much ingredient so a lot left over. Got two special guest, Seng Hwee and wj gf aka Jessica. Zx,shaw, josh, wj stayed over. We watch 4 movies st8 to morning until everyone is sleeping.

I dun think there will be any outings anymore since everyone going fly japan or thailand or work or preset-ed date.

Sooooo.. I not doing nothing during these days. I have been coming up with a story line for my manga.  Well its only in my head, i haven done any paper work, gonna start tonight! Ermm u can say that i had nothing better to do also, and YES i had nothing better to do okay? so i had 3 weeks b4 school. Lets see my holiday plans.
-Try to learn japanese
-Learn how to make onigiri(which i tried and i wan to prefect it)
-Learn to draw manga/anime
-Do more exercise(be it gym or going MMA)
-Complete watching Clannad, and anime i couldn't watch coz wasted time studying
-Complete playing Blazblue, AC1, Fate stay night.
-Complete reading Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and Mahou sensei Negima
-At least 1 dinner tgt with the sec sch friends
-At least 1 outing tgt with the sec sch friends

-One day shop for new Tshirts
-Go to Zixing house play guitar hero
-Go to Shawleong house to play naruto
-Go Ruwen house sit sit
-Persuade my parents to buy PS3

-Wish for money to drop down from the sky

So the strikeout are things that i dun wan to do anymore. So the 3 weeks, i will be staying at home sleep, eat, watch anime, blackshot, draw. Yup i dun really have anyone to ask me out. Yes, i have no money either. And dun keep telling me go work. Coz when i go work, i wun be free, and same thing, no outing. Yes dun start coming to lecture me, recently a lot ppl been trying to lecture me with their big reasonings and shit. Ya so fuck off. I'm enjoying my life in a cheap and relaxing way. A lot of ppl are saying my life is boring and shit. Well, i like this kind of peaceful life. 

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Qns of the day 2

Why do some anime character always have they eyes closed?

Qns of the day 1

Why do most main characters in school life anime sit at the window back seat???

Monday 10 September 2012

Two choices

When you are forced to choose between two choices, flipping a coin, seems to be effective.
Its not because that it always seem to give the right choice.
It is when the moment you flip up the coin.
You will suddenly realize what is it you wished for the result to be.

Friday 7 September 2012


This post is a random post about Fear. But it is not those chim chim post about the chimnology of fear, just some of my own fear and some stories.

Firstly, although i'm 18 now, i'm still scare of lizard and cockroach. Yes, pathetic right? But i'm still scare of them. Dun ever ask me for help in killing cockroach.
I can still rmb this very wtf moment. One night i was sleeping(that time my bed was beside the window), It was raining, so very cooling and nice to sleep and stuff. So i woke up in the middle of the night, just staring into space. AND SUDDENLY! I heard a sound and saw something flying thru the window. I was like wtf? Thn i feel something crawl over my legs. Due to the shock, i fall of my bed, rush to on the lights to check again. I flip over my blankets( i always had 2), Thn saw the cockroach about the fly up but fail. In like 0.1 sec i rush to my parents room, ask my father help me catch cockroach in the middle of the night. The look on my father's face was like, wtf? Cockroach nia. Thn he help me catch liao thn throw away. LOL Okay thats the funny story.
For lizard, i dun really have any story, its from very young i jiu scare liao, okay i bet everyone had something they are scare naturally.

If someone was to ask me if i'm scare of ghost and stuff. 1st i want to say, i actually believe in ghost. If i would to see 1, yes i will be scare, but i'm still able to walk in the dark by myself. But if u bring me to those themepark haunted house, yes i will be scared.
Believe it or not, i used to be fking scare in the dark, even with ppl around. whenever i sleep, i must have a mini light on. All the way until p6 or sec 1 i think, until my mini light spoil. Okay i dunno is used to it for having light or just scare of the dark. Reason i had the light is i rmb i always seen shadow like moving like that.(It was actually the eyes adjusting to the darkness)
So now i'm actually okay in walking in darkness by myself.

Got this scout camp during when i'm sec 3. Only got 4 of us jr, Me, bryan, matt and 1 more sec 2 jr(i forgot his name). So its organised by my senior. LOL i noe 4 only like pathetic only. So at the 2nd night, there is they called "The Confident Walk" Sounds cool huh? Its actually just go to macritchie reservoir and walk the path alone. Without lights and anything. Just yourself, walk. The seniors are the check points, there are 5. I'm the second 1 to walk since matt need to go home 1st. So the funny thing is, as i walk, after like 10 mins, i haven reach any of my senior yet, like wtf? thn later i saw, my 1st check point. The 1st thing the came in my mind was not like "Heng ar, i tot i lost" and rather "Wapiang eh? So long thn check point 1? Fuck siao liao la" Sooooo, Total Walking time, 40+ fking min alone in the forest walking... LIKE WTF? U serious? The path they planned is so fucking long, that even 1 walk also not scare liao, its like "Endurance Walk". And apparently, I only reached 4 checkpoint, why? Coz the senior at the 4th checkpoint went to shit. -.-
So this tradition like pass down, every year camp will go at least once( i hope its still passing down)
So it actually change to become a 10min walk after my batch. So as i become the senior, we still need to participate, as check point. I rmb i'm the second checkpoint. Scared? NO! Its DAMN FKING SIAN. Alone in the forest FOR 40 FKING MIN AGAIN! AS A CHECK POINT! Wtf man.

Public speaking. Somehow, i'm still quite scare of presenting in front of everyone. I rmb sec 3, need to present about our own chosen career. So i'm the 3rd 1 to present in 32 ppl -.-. Honestly my presentation is just a plain simple and fast 1. Dun even have 10min. 3min can settle everything. So apparently, Being the 1st few, there are somehow invited guest from MOE? And i rmb this lady from MOE at the back comer of the room(Sit there like purposely want ppl to talk loudly) ask a lot of Jiaowei qns. And that's not the problem, the problem is, She HERSELF, TALK SO FKING SOFT!? I'm like HUH 3 times liao, i really cannot hear what she ask(plus i got a bit deaf ear), thn i ask andrew. I rmb during that time, i really panic, coz the project worth a lot of marks, and my english kao that 1 liao. ANNNDDDDD In the end i still failed -.- Like WTF? I think i'm the only 1 that fail this fking project lor. Up to now i still think is that MOE lady fault -.-

Lastly, i dunno if this counts, but i really cannot stand blood, or rather, ppl kana torture to death. E.g the movie SAW. I rmb sec 2, after exams, the teacher showed us this movie, coz classmate say want. So this is my 1st gore movie. Its was really shocking to me, i somehow didn't feel like puking, but i that my eyes closed most of the time, I rmb the 1st scene was this person tied down, a swinging blade just Cut him slowly in half. Like WTF? Seriously disturbing and i even couldn't sleep for nights. I really dunno how is this kind of show fun to watch. Its just plain killing and not even normal stab in your stomach kill, ITS FREAKING TORTURE! If its ghost movie, got blood i still understand, But this is just kill for the joy and fun, and some ppl actually enjoy it? I dun understand. Oh, and gore anime are different, dun ever mix anime and real life tgt, thanks.

Yup, these are a few things i'm scare of. I dun normally share this with ppl, but i just blog it coz i'm bored and this topic came in my mind.

Thursday 6 September 2012

A new power

So, ytd i had a awesome dream, yes its a dream post again. In this dream, i got another new supernatural power!

So this power allows me to control electric. Not that i could shoot out electric from my hands or whatever. Its just can alter things that works with electric. So i was in this arcade, some machines are not working, so i change the flow of electric into the machine so i could play. And the game is something like mariokart, Just a big different and more high tech.

And 1 more ability is to change the ground/wall surface into some magnetic field so i could repel myself up and i could attract myself to metal stuff. And i could enter wire path(those wire u seen around building) and quickly transfer to another part of the building. This happened coz i was disturbing my friend when he was riding his bike, i change the metal part of the paddle into magnet so he couldn't ride. And he chase after me for revenge. Some sort he was damn fast, almost teleporting. Yea escaping again, and i got this power.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Robots + OC2(Random drawings 5)

If ppl ask me, "What is ur goal in life?" I dun think i really have any goals in life. But i do have unrealistic goals. One of them is to build a robot. From young, i always like robots, coz i think they are like very cool. There are a lot types of robots. But what i really like is those like human like that, means got arms got legs. Not necessary need to look like human. Like android. 
So i got this unrealistic goal which is to build a robot, which have its own mind and feelings, can move on its own. It will be like a small chibi robot. Thn can follow me around. Purpose? Hmm.. Help me carry stuff? Hahahaha. Its just like u seen in anime those robots that follows the person around, speak, and do chores. 

Here's another random drawings of robot. The concept came from Chachazero from the manga mahou sensei negima.

So, from 1st, 2nd, 3rd of left to right. Which do u think u will choose? Personally i will choose the 2nd 1.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Yes, this is another rdm topic about dreams again. Few days ago was chatting with shaw and jas about dreams. We were sharing our experiences in our own dream world, and jas suggested that maybe that dreamworld is really another world that exist. Somehow, i believe in it, or rather, i was hoping it really exist. I mean, wouldn't that dreamworld would be a more interesting world than the actual world here? Okay maybe not for those who always having nightmares.

What if one could really be aware of the dreamworld, and actually do stuff like, maybe study? That's like so awesome! Imagine u can actually practice whatever u want in the dreamworld, and in the actual world u really improve. That's is so timesaving and at the same time u regain energy!!
And jas shared this story about researcher experiment, 2 ppl who dunno each other at all and they both can lucid dream, they decided to meet in the same place in the dreamworld and do stuff tgt. When they woke up, they both explained the same thing! That's like WOW!!
Imagine you and ur friends had no time to meet up or do outings in the actual world, all we had to do is to sleep at night and meet in the dreamworld!

Okay this topic may be a bit wtf, but i'm just entertaining myself here since i had nothing to do. Maybe i should go and daydream now.

Given up on PS3

Just as the title says, i had given up on buying a ps3. Why? Coz mum say is a fking waste of money lor. Even is buy the console liao, the games also need money. Yes la, all is money problem. I know ppl keep telling me to go work. But i think work liao, my mum will say the same thing like save up the money for future use or whatever. And yes, my family is very very poor. Financial problem from pri to sec. For ppl who ask me to save my pocket money to buy? Sry, i dun have much pocket money either.

From young, its really really damn fking hard to get my parents to buy a electronic game console. Got my 1st gameboy at pri 4 after i dunno how much i begged, and a pokemon cartage as my very 1st game. Thn, like my english naturally no good 1, read how many books also seriously cmi. Thn mum take away my gameboy say after end of year exam thn return. Like Whuutttt?? And i rmb my only toy was lego. Yeah it pei me all the way to sec 1 thn my mum throw away. Thn i forgot how long i beg for a new cartage, and got megaman.

PSP was more easy to get, as i said i will be using my own money(Ang bao money) to buy, and they ask me what about the game, i said they can be downloaded so its free! So they agree. But still need wait like half a year? Got my PSP ard sec 2.

And this is the only 2 game console i ever had. Yeah so now i got laptop, might well just play Blackshot, or watch anime for the rest of my life. No point getting a PS3 anymore.

Can't sleep!!!

I really can't sleep!!!!! Feel so fucking irritated now!! Mind is filled is a lot of different thoughts! I WANT TO EAT SLEEPING PILLS SO I CAN GO GO SLEEP BUT I DUN HAVE SLEEPING PILLS!!!!
I WANT TO SLEEP!!! 

Wj bday

Okay, I'm blogging at a freaking 4am coz I just can't sleep. Just fuck la -.-

So today we celebrated wei jian bday. We had it celebrated earlier. Went to rw stall. Got a prank pandan cake for him. Not much reaction except he was happy to see Seng hwee here too. Gave him a bday card with lots of awesome moment in it. After eating dinner, the real ice cream cake was served. Same with no reaction on his face. Aiya I think is like so expected also. So eat the cake Liao. Chatted about a lot of stuff, mainly their stories of relationships. Thn went home.
Here's some pic

Saturday 1 September 2012

Holiday plans

Now i'm having holiday for 6 weeks. Unlike others, i do not have camp, or go oversea or job. So i'm some what very free for this holiday.
A lot ppl tell me to find a job. Actually i was thinking of just go back my cousin's office to help, but after thinking i got ITP(industrial training programme) for my nxt 6 weeks holiday, i think i'm going do things which i wanted to do.

Things that i want to do in this holiday

-Try to learn japanese
-Learn how to make onigiri(which i tried and i wan to prefect it)
-Learn to draw manga/anime
-Do more exercise(be it gym or going MMA)
-Complete watching Clannad, and anime i couldn't watch coz wasted time studying
-Complete playing Blazblue, AC1, Fate stay night.
-Complete reading Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and Mahou sensei Negima
-At least 1 dinner tgt with the sec sch friends
-At least 1 outing tgt with the sec sch friends
-One day shop for new Tshirts
-Go to Zixing house play guitar hero
-Go to Shawleong house to play naruto
-Go Ruwen house sit sit
-Persuade my parents to buy PS3
-Wish for money to drop down from the sky

They are listed from the most-least impt. The top 7 will be my own personal stuff, so it will be spread across the holiday. While the rest involves other ppl, so it doesn't matter if its completed anot.

Hope i have a productive holiday. AND CHEERS FOR HOLIDAY!!!!

image from

Friday 31 August 2012


So, i have been wanting to learn how to make Onigiri, which is riceball with fillings inside it. But most ppl just called it sushi. Aiya, since we are not japanese and is unfamiliar with those those real terms, we just call any small, cute looking rice food thingy sushi. Dun ever call a Ba Zhang sushi though XD.

Since i'm bored, i shall show what is what. :D

1st is what most ppl would tot of when they heard the word Sushi.

Nigiri sushi.

Nxt most common will be

Maki sushi

Last, is the FKING EPIC

WARSHIP!! jk, this is actually maki sushi :P

Links for above pic

Okay, here really starts with what happened. So to prepare, i actually went around with friends to see where can i buy the ingredients. So one day, while me and shaw are walking ard bishan ntuc coz we too free, I actually found every thing!! All the fking ingredients can be bought there!! So i bought  the japanese rice, and nori(seaweed). Later i came with my parents, also shun bian to buy other stuff like tuna, crab meat, and most impt, sushi vinegar, since i lazy to prepare my own using rice vinegar.

So all the stuff are ready, and i decided to make them on sat. I follow the instructions on the internet and cook the rice. Okay this is my very 1st time i actually cook rice. Laugh all you want, but i successed! Okay this is nth to be proud of. So, the rice really turns out sticky, i'm very amazed(i'm not a kitchen person, so everything is exciting for me).

Okay here's some fking irritating stuff. My aunt came for a visit to my ahma house, and came up to sit after my mom said i'm making sushi. So here's the thing, I really dun like ppl instructing me what i should do, especially if u dunno anything. So as i'm trying to figure how to shape the onigiri, how to put the fillings, and stuff, my aunt keep saying things like " Aiya, just ze yang la, yong na ge roll de" thn she keep tell me to do that(She was talking about maki sushi). So to somehow please her, i attempted it without using the bamboo mat, so it turn out ugly, and i noe my house knife not really sharp, that's why i dun want make. And she kept asking me what i'm going to do nxt.
So i tried to make nigiri sushi too so my aunt will go away. On the outside, i was like, "oh, ah okay lor",  but inside i'm like "FK OFF BITCH! I TRYING TO LEARN HERE! Eh please la, i also 1st time doing right? Nabei, ask ask ask. Go there watch your TV la!"
Okay i noe its very unrespectful to think this way but.. Aiya nvm.

So the reuslt turns out like this

Damn fail only, Hahaha. Personally i dun think it tasted nice too, the rice a bit plain, the filling too little. FKING FAIL

So i attempted again after a few days, and it turn out like this!

No distractions, no ppl bothering me! It turns out pretty neat, and my bro helped me too since he was at camp when i 1st make. I used plastic wraps so the rice dun stick to my hands, and is easier to shape. And this had more wei dao and fillings!! Actually got more than 6, but my bro ate it while making -.-

Shall learn how to make more types nxt time! :D

Thursday 30 August 2012

Looks like my worries are for nothing. Live well with your life.. :D
Well, at least i think i had tried? Too bad i'm just useless to you. i'm sry

Class outing

Today is an wat i call it, an official class outing/lunch. Okay, there's 1 class outing combined with 02(we are 01) for chalet, but today is only our class.

So we decided to have seoul garden at clementi for lunch. And not sure why the planner or teacher say no need book, when we are all gathered there, there are no spaces left. So we walked ard, and since some need to rush off to somewhere else, we decided to eat Fish&Co. I ordered Seafood lunch patter, it consist of 2 prawn, 1 fish, 3 clam and mash potato with cheese cream. Coz its like a promotion thing, i got soup and drink and a desert too! Sry no pic, i dun have a habit of taking photo of my food.

After lunch, some left for they own things, and left me, haziq, xinjie, john, elijah, and lance. We headed to play 1hr pool. I lose all the rounds.. T^T They too pro liao, i'm not even their league. After that lance go somewhere, and the rest of us play LAN.

Its been a long time since i go and play LAN with friends, We played for 3hrs. We playing CS, very interesting, very different from Blackshot, okay not much different, but feel is different. Thn we played 1 round DOTA, 2 rounds Tower def, and a 10 min L4D2. Although go LAN may be waste of money since at home can play all that, but playing with the presence of others is really different and funny too.

After that we go home.

I hope we will have more outing in the future other thn eating tgt only. I actually quite jealous of others having fun outing like cycling, fly kite, movie and stuff, while my class didn't really do those things. Oh, at least we go library to play boardgames very often!

Well, not a bad day to spend after exam. :)

3rd war over

Its the end of exams!!! Like a finally. The exams are not too bad, dun think i could score very well since all of the modules are last min study. Some modules that i didn't even listened or do work for the whole sem, i just cram everything in ard 6hrs. Feels like konata from lucky star :P. So shall wait for the results.

After this, it marks the halfway point of my poly life. I think i did a great job surviving until now. The other half would be more hard as there will be major projects, IPT, FYP. JYJYJY

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Fun trends

So, this post is another rdm post about treands. I will be talking about the treads ard me as far as i can rmb from young.

Rectangle eraser fight
From pri ?- pri 5. Just a fliping eraser game, whoever mange to flip their own eraser above the other, the person win and can take away the opponent's eraser. Last time in my school, we use the pokemon erasers and its always very rare to find legendary pokemon erasers. I think i still got them somewhere.

Poke hole on bottle cap
Pri 4. I rmb that time was the start of using the compass and mathematics set. The compass got the very sharp point where ppl will keep poke holes thru their bottle caps. Thn can spray at others. The tread died off when i reached pri 5

G2 "gun making"
Pri 3- Pri 4. Pri 3 was the start of using pen for my sch. So there are some ppl using G2 pen, they start making their "gun" and shoot bits of rubber or paper. Some even mod into interested "high tech" gun.

Rubber band slingshot 
Pri 5-Pri 6. So this is just putting a rubber band across ur index and thumb, fold very small roll of paper, bend in half to make bullet. and shoot. Very dangerous as may kana eyes. Even hit body also pain. We still play it though.

Rubix cube
Sec 2- Sec 3. As far as i could rmb, one, and suddenly day by day, more and more ppl is playing with rubix cube. So i joined in also. Learnt how to solve in youtube. Still rmb a lot of ppl rubix cube tio taken away by teacher. LOL. Anyway my fastest was 42 sec. :P

Saturday 25 August 2012

Fav Weapon?

Fist weapon, Bladed weapon, Pole weapon, Throwing weapons, Chain weapon, Gun-powdered weapon, Whip weapon.
Katana, sword, dagger, spear, polearm, darts, knuckles, chainsaw, guns, whips, fans. And whatever u can think of

So.. Whats is your fav weapon?
What is the 1st weapon that came to your mind when the above qns is ask?
That would be the weapon u are using.
Leave your answers at the cbox!
You can state the characteristics of ur weapon too, e.g Twin, long, short, big, chain.

Mine would be Twin long Blades. 

Friday 24 August 2012

A little worried

After i browse thru that book, i can't help but got a little worried about you...

"Running away" Dreams

Okay, this post is about me, really running away or escaping from something in my dreams. As in the something is really chasing me and i had to ran away.

Each time is different, but the concept is the same. Sort of like an adventure dream like that, very thrilling.

As far as i could rmb, there are all sorts of things i ran away from. Person holding knife, monster, ghost, catching, Ppl that i stole they stuff from, etc.

As im escaping, i think my skills improved a lot. As in i rmb last time i could only jump down a whole flight of stairs. Thn i could jump of building to either other side/ground. Thn is i could teleport a short distance. Now the most recent 1 is i could pass through walls/glass. I could feel that in my dreams, i just naturally can do it.

Apart from the abilities i mentioned above, I had none other... Maybe nxt time i could fly? Hohoho

This post is only in my dreams. I could rmb coz these type of dreams happened to me alot. Not sure why but i actually find it fun, even if scary stuff is chasing. And OFCOZ, not in reality!!
"Forgetting pain is convenient. Remembering it, agonizing. Ya Shall be a better person"

Thursday 23 August 2012

A dream quote i heard in my dream.. 2

Why the pinky finger is used to make promises when it's the easiest finger to break?

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Mech 2


Find /\ Somewhere

Jk, there is no /\

The war begins

War begins NOW!! And will last for 9days.


I always wonder this qns from a very long time ago.
Is it that i dunno how to hold a proper conversation or I am really that uninteresting to talk to, thats why ppl dun chat with me.
A few exchange of words and the conversation is just, gone. Well its always ends leaving me hanging.

Monday 20 August 2012

The will of guangyi

You know what? I hardly give 100% in the things i do. Coz a lot of things i dun really have any interests. Its too troublesome to give 100% on everything i do.
Yes, some may say, since do le, might well make it the best. But it doesn't really apply to me. For me is, since start doing le, might well end it quickly. Its too troublesome. And i dun like disappoint results when i gave my best

Of coz there are things that i will give 100%. They are rare. Not gonna say though.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Eating lesser

Recently, i realized that i had been eating lesser and lesser. Although i see the portion of the food like very little(Coz some stall selfish, give so little), but i eat le, thn i dun feel like eating anymore. WTF man?
Not sure if got hidden stress thn no appetite or i very long no go training, thus no eat so much.
Hmmm.. I think i should take the chance to change my diet. I will eat 6 mini meals per day. I forgot the real reason of this diet. But i think it can give enough energy and my stomach wun need to take away all the oxygen to digest, making me sleepy.


Fire Ice Water Earth Lightning Shadow Wind.
Which one will u choose if u are allowed to have 1?

Personally my fav will be ice.

The no good guangyi

All the skills I have is not good enough, be it studying or fighting or other stuff.

This is just a self-pitying post. To remind myself to get stronger

Friday 17 August 2012

Hollow Ichigo Vasto Lorde form from Bleach (Random drawings 3)

Exam life

Been preparing for exams, nothing much to talk about.
Somehow studying tgt with others give me the motivation to study instead of me studying alone myself.
So, all the best who are taking exams and project.

May the knowledge be with you.. Well at least until after exam

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Repeated Time

Okay, this is a very random topic about looping of time.

Are there some moments that are very fun, enjoyable, wonderful, etc, that u do not wish to end?
And if its repeated again, and again, and again, and again. Time loop. And the same period of time began to loop infinity. Of coz, going back the the time also means everything, all memories, everything reset to that point of time and we go thru it the same way, same thing. And keep looping.

Some may think its wonderful so stay at that point of time. But somehow to me, its rather scary. Being in a time loop means whatever time and the loop end will be cut off, which is the future. E.g Looping from Jan to Feb, meaning there will be no future from Mar onward. Isn't this scary?
Imagine you had go thru the time loop from 15039 times. Ard 594years.
Imagine u somehow noe what is happening but u just think is deja vu and just let the time repeated?
Imagine u didn't lost the memories and gone thru 10000+ times of the same things over and over?
Isn't it scary?!

Anyway this post is inspired from "Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu" of i forgot from which ep, that time just keep looping and looping.

Sunday 12 August 2012

My top 3 fav emotionless anime characters

These are my 3 top fav emotionless anime characters!! Though they are not really totally emotionless but they appears like that most of the time throughout the series.

Here it goes~~ from the 3rd

Nagato Yuki from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

At 1st glance, she is just a normal student, but later revealed that she is a alien created from Data Integration Thought Entity(Not sure if its correct). Therefore, she have supernatural powers and very high intelligence. Sometimes i dunno what is she talking about as she spam too much info at 1 time. She one of my fav coz i think she is kinda cool, and she has many other powers and stuff. Kinda amzing.

Eucliwood Hellscythe from kore wa zombie desu ka?

She is a necromancer from the underworld. Due to her great magic powers, she could not speck nor show emotions and only communicate by notepad. She one of my fav coz, she is very powerful, e.g. her words can produce magic and may affect the entire world. Its kinda cute talking using just notes and stuff.

Annnnnddddd my most fav character!
Tachibana Kanade from Angel Beats

She is one of the student in the Afterlife school. And also the student council president. She seems lack of showing emotions thus making the others mistaken her and treat her as enemy. She is also very clumsy which makes her cute to me. She is my fav char coz she is very kind, gentle, clumsy and cute. She may seems cold at first, but she truly want to help ppl to pass on and have no regrets to reborn. But she tot her actions was obvious, which is not, and others mistaken her being a bad person. She is also very strong and calm. Her powers are kinda cool too.