Thursday 30 August 2012

Class outing

Today is an wat i call it, an official class outing/lunch. Okay, there's 1 class outing combined with 02(we are 01) for chalet, but today is only our class.

So we decided to have seoul garden at clementi for lunch. And not sure why the planner or teacher say no need book, when we are all gathered there, there are no spaces left. So we walked ard, and since some need to rush off to somewhere else, we decided to eat Fish&Co. I ordered Seafood lunch patter, it consist of 2 prawn, 1 fish, 3 clam and mash potato with cheese cream. Coz its like a promotion thing, i got soup and drink and a desert too! Sry no pic, i dun have a habit of taking photo of my food.

After lunch, some left for they own things, and left me, haziq, xinjie, john, elijah, and lance. We headed to play 1hr pool. I lose all the rounds.. T^T They too pro liao, i'm not even their league. After that lance go somewhere, and the rest of us play LAN.

Its been a long time since i go and play LAN with friends, We played for 3hrs. We playing CS, very interesting, very different from Blackshot, okay not much different, but feel is different. Thn we played 1 round DOTA, 2 rounds Tower def, and a 10 min L4D2. Although go LAN may be waste of money since at home can play all that, but playing with the presence of others is really different and funny too.

After that we go home.

I hope we will have more outing in the future other thn eating tgt only. I actually quite jealous of others having fun outing like cycling, fly kite, movie and stuff, while my class didn't really do those things. Oh, at least we go library to play boardgames very often!

Well, not a bad day to spend after exam. :)

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