Friday 31 August 2012


So, i have been wanting to learn how to make Onigiri, which is riceball with fillings inside it. But most ppl just called it sushi. Aiya, since we are not japanese and is unfamiliar with those those real terms, we just call any small, cute looking rice food thingy sushi. Dun ever call a Ba Zhang sushi though XD.

Since i'm bored, i shall show what is what. :D

1st is what most ppl would tot of when they heard the word Sushi.

Nigiri sushi.

Nxt most common will be

Maki sushi

Last, is the FKING EPIC

WARSHIP!! jk, this is actually maki sushi :P

Links for above pic

Okay, here really starts with what happened. So to prepare, i actually went around with friends to see where can i buy the ingredients. So one day, while me and shaw are walking ard bishan ntuc coz we too free, I actually found every thing!! All the fking ingredients can be bought there!! So i bought  the japanese rice, and nori(seaweed). Later i came with my parents, also shun bian to buy other stuff like tuna, crab meat, and most impt, sushi vinegar, since i lazy to prepare my own using rice vinegar.

So all the stuff are ready, and i decided to make them on sat. I follow the instructions on the internet and cook the rice. Okay this is my very 1st time i actually cook rice. Laugh all you want, but i successed! Okay this is nth to be proud of. So, the rice really turns out sticky, i'm very amazed(i'm not a kitchen person, so everything is exciting for me).

Okay here's some fking irritating stuff. My aunt came for a visit to my ahma house, and came up to sit after my mom said i'm making sushi. So here's the thing, I really dun like ppl instructing me what i should do, especially if u dunno anything. So as i'm trying to figure how to shape the onigiri, how to put the fillings, and stuff, my aunt keep saying things like " Aiya, just ze yang la, yong na ge roll de" thn she keep tell me to do that(She was talking about maki sushi). So to somehow please her, i attempted it without using the bamboo mat, so it turn out ugly, and i noe my house knife not really sharp, that's why i dun want make. And she kept asking me what i'm going to do nxt.
So i tried to make nigiri sushi too so my aunt will go away. On the outside, i was like, "oh, ah okay lor",  but inside i'm like "FK OFF BITCH! I TRYING TO LEARN HERE! Eh please la, i also 1st time doing right? Nabei, ask ask ask. Go there watch your TV la!"
Okay i noe its very unrespectful to think this way but.. Aiya nvm.

So the reuslt turns out like this

Damn fail only, Hahaha. Personally i dun think it tasted nice too, the rice a bit plain, the filling too little. FKING FAIL

So i attempted again after a few days, and it turn out like this!

No distractions, no ppl bothering me! It turns out pretty neat, and my bro helped me too since he was at camp when i 1st make. I used plastic wraps so the rice dun stick to my hands, and is easier to shape. And this had more wei dao and fillings!! Actually got more than 6, but my bro ate it while making -.-

Shall learn how to make more types nxt time! :D

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