Tuesday 14 August 2012

Repeated Time

Okay, this is a very random topic about looping of time.

Are there some moments that are very fun, enjoyable, wonderful, etc, that u do not wish to end?
And if its repeated again, and again, and again, and again. Time loop. And the same period of time began to loop infinity. Of coz, going back the the time also means everything, all memories, everything reset to that point of time and we go thru it the same way, same thing. And keep looping.

Some may think its wonderful so stay at that point of time. But somehow to me, its rather scary. Being in a time loop means whatever time and the loop end will be cut off, which is the future. E.g Looping from Jan to Feb, meaning there will be no future from Mar onward. Isn't this scary?
Imagine you had go thru the time loop from 15039 times. Ard 594years.
Imagine u somehow noe what is happening but u just think is deja vu and just let the time repeated?
Imagine u didn't lost the memories and gone thru 10000+ times of the same things over and over?
Isn't it scary?!

Anyway this post is inspired from "Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu" of i forgot from which ep, that time just keep looping and looping.

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