Tuesday 28 August 2012

Fun trends

So, this post is another rdm post about treands. I will be talking about the treads ard me as far as i can rmb from young.

Rectangle eraser fight
From pri ?- pri 5. Just a fliping eraser game, whoever mange to flip their own eraser above the other, the person win and can take away the opponent's eraser. Last time in my school, we use the pokemon erasers and its always very rare to find legendary pokemon erasers. I think i still got them somewhere.

Poke hole on bottle cap
Pri 4. I rmb that time was the start of using the compass and mathematics set. The compass got the very sharp point where ppl will keep poke holes thru their bottle caps. Thn can spray at others. The tread died off when i reached pri 5

G2 "gun making"
Pri 3- Pri 4. Pri 3 was the start of using pen for my sch. So there are some ppl using G2 pen, they start making their "gun" and shoot bits of rubber or paper. Some even mod into interested "high tech" gun.

Rubber band slingshot 
Pri 5-Pri 6. So this is just putting a rubber band across ur index and thumb, fold very small roll of paper, bend in half to make bullet. and shoot. Very dangerous as may kana eyes. Even hit body also pain. We still play it though.

Rubix cube
Sec 2- Sec 3. As far as i could rmb, one, and suddenly day by day, more and more ppl is playing with rubix cube. So i joined in also. Learnt how to solve in youtube. Still rmb a lot of ppl rubix cube tio taken away by teacher. LOL. Anyway my fastest was 42 sec. :P

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