Sunday 12 August 2012

My top 3 fav emotionless anime characters

These are my 3 top fav emotionless anime characters!! Though they are not really totally emotionless but they appears like that most of the time throughout the series.

Here it goes~~ from the 3rd

Nagato Yuki from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

At 1st glance, she is just a normal student, but later revealed that she is a alien created from Data Integration Thought Entity(Not sure if its correct). Therefore, she have supernatural powers and very high intelligence. Sometimes i dunno what is she talking about as she spam too much info at 1 time. She one of my fav coz i think she is kinda cool, and she has many other powers and stuff. Kinda amzing.

Eucliwood Hellscythe from kore wa zombie desu ka?

She is a necromancer from the underworld. Due to her great magic powers, she could not speck nor show emotions and only communicate by notepad. She one of my fav coz, she is very powerful, e.g. her words can produce magic and may affect the entire world. Its kinda cute talking using just notes and stuff.

Annnnnddddd my most fav character!
Tachibana Kanade from Angel Beats

She is one of the student in the Afterlife school. And also the student council president. She seems lack of showing emotions thus making the others mistaken her and treat her as enemy. She is also very clumsy which makes her cute to me. She is my fav char coz she is very kind, gentle, clumsy and cute. She may seems cold at first, but she truly want to help ppl to pass on and have no regrets to reborn. But she tot her actions was obvious, which is not, and others mistaken her being a bad person. She is also very strong and calm. Her powers are kinda cool too. 

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