Sunday 5 August 2012

Normal school life~

So, it has been a long time since i blogged about my life other than anime and rants. So exam are in 2 more weeks and i'm started to prepare for it.

Now that i think back, from the prev holiday or even, from the 1st week of year 2 to now, Everyday is almost the same!! other than math, IA and mech, i didn't listened to thermo and elecdev at all. Thermo is my weakest module and even got 8/100 b4 in thermo1. Well elecdev i really dunno how to say. The teacher really cmi 1. Okay not only i think like that, but my classmates and other classes also. CMI as in not cannot teach, is he talk too much on other crap other thn electric stuff!! Very discriminate(dunno spell correct anot) person. He keep talking bad and look down on things. If u wan know can ask me, i dun wan say here. So thats why his lesson like nobody attend 1, even the good students.

So during this while, i watched some movies with friends.Snow white and huntmen, Madagascar3, Sadako 3D, Dark knight Rise. So i'm gonna make a short review of what i think of them

1st is Snow white and huntmen with shaw, jas, wj. I was expecting actions but the war didn't really have much, the journey is too long, nth much nice. Basically boring to me, and i yawned a few times. 4/10

2nd is Madagascar, 1st outing with classmates excluding the chalet. Watched with Jingru, Xinjie, Aaron. The movie was okay. Almost can see whats coming, just that watch to see nice anot. The performance by the crew was very bright and boom here boom there, very colourful very nice. the ending was a bit expected. 6/10

3rd is Sadako 3D. My 1st time watching 3D show, very excited for it. Watched with shaw and zx So the plot of the movie is okay, just that i dun really understand some parts, like why the girl got power to say NO to ghost.
I mainly enjoyed the 3D effects and stuff, like the glass shatter and the hand coming out of the screen. I got shocked total 1 time in the movie, i forgot which part, and even zx noticed too. LOL.
Oh and this is the 1st horror movie with happy ending that i have watched.
7/10 due to cool 3D effects.

Last is Dark knight Rise. Watched with zx, jas and shaw. I didn't watch the 1st and 2nd movie, but nvm. Although i dunno what the people are saying, but i can mainly guess what is happening, or is it all superhero show works like that? Bad ppl come, hero lose, hero think a lot, power up, rise, kick bad ppl ass, victory. This movie had some action scenes but it doesn't really impressed me, almost all is just barehand fight, i only seen batman uses his bat dart? thing once, and the rest is the motorcyle and plane. Oh, and this is the 1st time i see hero die. 7/10

Other than outing, got some meet up dinner with shaw and jas sometimes.

At home, i mostly watching anime. Finshed watching Daily life of High school boys, Very funny, just like Nijichou. Now watching Yuru Yuri and going reach the latest for fairytail. Going continue one piece after fairytail!
My bro ask my to play Goonzu, so now only play Blackshot or Goonzu.

So everyday is just like this, Simple days. I should go find a job during the holiday

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