Friday 12 October 2012

A room of my own

I used to have my own room a while back ago for ard a 1year(more or less), now it has being rented out. At first i did hesitate when my parents asked me if i could let them rent out my room and share with my bro again(this is the 2nd time we rented a room to others), but i agree in the end since i feel that their load will be lighter and they decided to invest on buying some "features" in the room like a bed and cupboard for the tenant to fetch a higher rent(not as high as i tot it would though).

I wanted to have my own room though. There are advantages like, my bro early wake up for sch wun disturb my sleep, dun feel cramp, can watch my show without fighting vol level with bro, etc. Last time my room was very very simple. A bed at a comer, a desk opposite my bed, and a cupboard under my bed(not literally under ).

So i would like to share my own "how i wish my room would be"
Putting affordability aside.

In my room i will have a "Sofa combine bed" (sofa below, thn got ladder climb out bed) against the wall, opposite of it will be a 42 inch TV(Issit too big?) on a TV console. On the TV console will have PS3, and the games neatly arranged beside it.
Beside it will be a glass shelf thing for my anime figures display.
Under my bed(not literally) will be my desk. Beside my desk will be a shelf to put my manga books. Next will be the cupboard. There will be a hook somewhere with more space, of coz away from my TV and anime figures, to hang a punching bag.
My walls will be some light-colour colours, and hanging some of my Favorite posters. And curtain too!
Of coz not just only these, but that's how i pictured my "would-be room"

Hm.. Lets try to calculate the cost.. The sofa bed thingy is... okay lets say $6000 1st. PS3 ard $500 and more. TV $1000. Tv console $700. Anime figure display+shelf $600 and more. Desk ownself got. Book shelf $200. Manga books $500 and more(calculated by the series i wanted to get now)
cupboard ownself got. Punching bag $200. Painting the walls $100. Posters $50( i will have like 2-4 only) Curtain $30.

Total estimated cost $9880 and more(for PS3 games+Anime figures+manga book)
Wow~! if i tio 4D i one day, and win $20000, i confirm have my room like this~ XD

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