Friday 7 September 2012


This post is a random post about Fear. But it is not those chim chim post about the chimnology of fear, just some of my own fear and some stories.

Firstly, although i'm 18 now, i'm still scare of lizard and cockroach. Yes, pathetic right? But i'm still scare of them. Dun ever ask me for help in killing cockroach.
I can still rmb this very wtf moment. One night i was sleeping(that time my bed was beside the window), It was raining, so very cooling and nice to sleep and stuff. So i woke up in the middle of the night, just staring into space. AND SUDDENLY! I heard a sound and saw something flying thru the window. I was like wtf? Thn i feel something crawl over my legs. Due to the shock, i fall of my bed, rush to on the lights to check again. I flip over my blankets( i always had 2), Thn saw the cockroach about the fly up but fail. In like 0.1 sec i rush to my parents room, ask my father help me catch cockroach in the middle of the night. The look on my father's face was like, wtf? Cockroach nia. Thn he help me catch liao thn throw away. LOL Okay thats the funny story.
For lizard, i dun really have any story, its from very young i jiu scare liao, okay i bet everyone had something they are scare naturally.

If someone was to ask me if i'm scare of ghost and stuff. 1st i want to say, i actually believe in ghost. If i would to see 1, yes i will be scare, but i'm still able to walk in the dark by myself. But if u bring me to those themepark haunted house, yes i will be scared.
Believe it or not, i used to be fking scare in the dark, even with ppl around. whenever i sleep, i must have a mini light on. All the way until p6 or sec 1 i think, until my mini light spoil. Okay i dunno is used to it for having light or just scare of the dark. Reason i had the light is i rmb i always seen shadow like moving like that.(It was actually the eyes adjusting to the darkness)
So now i'm actually okay in walking in darkness by myself.

Got this scout camp during when i'm sec 3. Only got 4 of us jr, Me, bryan, matt and 1 more sec 2 jr(i forgot his name). So its organised by my senior. LOL i noe 4 only like pathetic only. So at the 2nd night, there is they called "The Confident Walk" Sounds cool huh? Its actually just go to macritchie reservoir and walk the path alone. Without lights and anything. Just yourself, walk. The seniors are the check points, there are 5. I'm the second 1 to walk since matt need to go home 1st. So the funny thing is, as i walk, after like 10 mins, i haven reach any of my senior yet, like wtf? thn later i saw, my 1st check point. The 1st thing the came in my mind was not like "Heng ar, i tot i lost" and rather "Wapiang eh? So long thn check point 1? Fuck siao liao la" Sooooo, Total Walking time, 40+ fking min alone in the forest walking... LIKE WTF? U serious? The path they planned is so fucking long, that even 1 walk also not scare liao, its like "Endurance Walk". And apparently, I only reached 4 checkpoint, why? Coz the senior at the 4th checkpoint went to shit. -.-
So this tradition like pass down, every year camp will go at least once( i hope its still passing down)
So it actually change to become a 10min walk after my batch. So as i become the senior, we still need to participate, as check point. I rmb i'm the second checkpoint. Scared? NO! Its DAMN FKING SIAN. Alone in the forest FOR 40 FKING MIN AGAIN! AS A CHECK POINT! Wtf man.

Public speaking. Somehow, i'm still quite scare of presenting in front of everyone. I rmb sec 3, need to present about our own chosen career. So i'm the 3rd 1 to present in 32 ppl -.-. Honestly my presentation is just a plain simple and fast 1. Dun even have 10min. 3min can settle everything. So apparently, Being the 1st few, there are somehow invited guest from MOE? And i rmb this lady from MOE at the back comer of the room(Sit there like purposely want ppl to talk loudly) ask a lot of Jiaowei qns. And that's not the problem, the problem is, She HERSELF, TALK SO FKING SOFT!? I'm like HUH 3 times liao, i really cannot hear what she ask(plus i got a bit deaf ear), thn i ask andrew. I rmb during that time, i really panic, coz the project worth a lot of marks, and my english kao that 1 liao. ANNNDDDDD In the end i still failed -.- Like WTF? I think i'm the only 1 that fail this fking project lor. Up to now i still think is that MOE lady fault -.-

Lastly, i dunno if this counts, but i really cannot stand blood, or rather, ppl kana torture to death. E.g the movie SAW. I rmb sec 2, after exams, the teacher showed us this movie, coz classmate say want. So this is my 1st gore movie. Its was really shocking to me, i somehow didn't feel like puking, but i that my eyes closed most of the time, I rmb the 1st scene was this person tied down, a swinging blade just Cut him slowly in half. Like WTF? Seriously disturbing and i even couldn't sleep for nights. I really dunno how is this kind of show fun to watch. Its just plain killing and not even normal stab in your stomach kill, ITS FREAKING TORTURE! If its ghost movie, got blood i still understand, But this is just kill for the joy and fun, and some ppl actually enjoy it? I dun understand. Oh, and gore anime are different, dun ever mix anime and real life tgt, thanks.

Yup, these are a few things i'm scare of. I dun normally share this with ppl, but i just blog it coz i'm bored and this topic came in my mind.

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