Saturday 22 September 2012

How ppl see me?

For years i wonder how ppl see me? Like am i irritating? Am i uninteresting? Am i boring?
U know, some roles of ppl are like the main characters. And for me, i'm mostly just an unimportant supporting character. And i'm just there. I dun really have any existence.

Sometimes i feel jealous when i see my friends always having someone to text or msn or chat with. Even my bro is like skyping with his friends every night. Some ppl are like, just no need to do anything, will have ppl auto come to talk to them. Just like that.
While some ppl like me with no one auto come talk to u, not matter how hard we tried to have a conv with others. The conv dun last. The way they text with others and me is total opposite. The msg are short and usually just an okay or oh or lol or sometimes it just leave us hanging there. Not sure is too busy, or just dun wan to talk to a person like me. And i know i will be irritating to keep trying to start up a conv.

This is not recently or what, its like for years its always like that. I dunno if i got communication problems or what. But i think is just ppl dun come to talk to me is coz i am guangyi. I do feel lonely sometimes, but i believe i will be able to achieve the state whereby i dun do need to communicate anymore, as in i dun feel lonely even without anyone.

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