Thursday 25 October 2012

Another half of 2nd year

So the last half of my 2nd year had began. Days were still pretty relax. There are more practical this time as compared to last sem.
1st, my timetable is actually not bad. But, there are 8am lesson 3 days in a row, like siao leh. Lucky this sem the teacher also kind, still take attendance for late comers, if not i die liao.

My modules not bad. Computer programming was interesting, creating the programs by typing codes and stuff. But my cousin warned me that its not an easy module and i might hate it in the future. O.0 so serious? LOL but i actually prefer this than calculations.
There are other modules like Design and fab. So we are suppose to design a AGV out, which is a small vehicle using reflective sensor to walk along the line. To be honest, the teacher instructions were not really clear. Sometimes want us to do the parts in Autodesk, sometimes want us to draw and design our grps desgin. And he haven mention about making them yet. Not sure can make it by the deadline anot, and i sensed we need use our own time to go workshop do.

There is GenEd is usual, extra module which serve almost no purpose.  I know teachers always say, u must take coz it benefits u, teach u about the world, teach u how to present and stuff, design thinking. SMLJ? LANJIAOLAH Thn we have "Teamwork and Communication Skill" "Communication Skills for work" and "ITOE" for fking fuck? I mean, since we had modules like TCS and CWS to teach us how to present proly, and learn how to work as a team and how to communicate, and ITOE to learn design thinking process and stuff(Honestly i had gone thru like about 5times about design thinking process). Why the fucking fk do we need another extra module with FKING EXTRA PROJECTS AND REFLECTIONS THAT  FKING WASTE OUR TIME AND IT WILL BE GRADED IN OUR FKING GPA??? LANJIAOLAH! Somemore, it is for our to know more about the world? I guess there is not a need coz our own teachers are always talking about the world.
I rather have GEM where we can choose modules of our interests or some language modules just like other poly have.

Meet up with sec sch friends every tues for dinner. Ytd just went NYP with zixing. Really long no go there since the AEM of sec sch DNT. NYP is a nice sch, i like how their buildings were constructed. Went to the digital media block(actually i also dunno where i'm going). I like how their comp lab or classroom were structured. Its like u go in, like a maze, feels like underground instead of 4th floor.  U can see inside the classroom from outside as the whole half of the wall is glass. So as i walked thru the corridors i was so impressed by the computers and macs and tables and chair and spaces and etc LOL. And the students can just access the lab using their NYP card and freely use the comp. Nice or what sia!? In SP still need wait outside the hot and dry corridors. Oh, and NYP like very eventful like that. Got ppl singing, sell stuff, book fair, dancing, marathon.

Wahaha so long no blog liao. So that's all! May patience be with you. and me LOL

Friday 12 October 2012

A room of my own

I used to have my own room a while back ago for ard a 1year(more or less), now it has being rented out. At first i did hesitate when my parents asked me if i could let them rent out my room and share with my bro again(this is the 2nd time we rented a room to others), but i agree in the end since i feel that their load will be lighter and they decided to invest on buying some "features" in the room like a bed and cupboard for the tenant to fetch a higher rent(not as high as i tot it would though).

I wanted to have my own room though. There are advantages like, my bro early wake up for sch wun disturb my sleep, dun feel cramp, can watch my show without fighting vol level with bro, etc. Last time my room was very very simple. A bed at a comer, a desk opposite my bed, and a cupboard under my bed(not literally under ).

So i would like to share my own "how i wish my room would be"
Putting affordability aside.

In my room i will have a "Sofa combine bed" (sofa below, thn got ladder climb out bed) against the wall, opposite of it will be a 42 inch TV(Issit too big?) on a TV console. On the TV console will have PS3, and the games neatly arranged beside it.
Beside it will be a glass shelf thing for my anime figures display.
Under my bed(not literally) will be my desk. Beside my desk will be a shelf to put my manga books. Next will be the cupboard. There will be a hook somewhere with more space, of coz away from my TV and anime figures, to hang a punching bag.
My walls will be some light-colour colours, and hanging some of my Favorite posters. And curtain too!
Of coz not just only these, but that's how i pictured my "would-be room"

Hm.. Lets try to calculate the cost.. The sofa bed thingy is... okay lets say $6000 1st. PS3 ard $500 and more. TV $1000. Tv console $700. Anime figure display+shelf $600 and more. Desk ownself got. Book shelf $200. Manga books $500 and more(calculated by the series i wanted to get now)
cupboard ownself got. Punching bag $200. Painting the walls $100. Posters $50( i will have like 2-4 only) Curtain $30.

Total estimated cost $9880 and more(for PS3 games+Anime figures+manga book)
Wow~! if i tio 4D i one day, and win $20000, i confirm have my room like this~ XD

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My view of the world(Literally)

I got bad eye sight since from very very young, k2 if i'm not wrong. I dun rmb the real reasons why i suddenly got bad eye sights, but i rmb i can't watch the TV clearly so i moved very close to it. Probably watching too much TV.

Now my current degree is 800/900, and that's a year ago, i believe now 1000+ liao la. So when i'm without my glasses, it seems that some objects like disappear. E.g writings on the white board will totally 100% disappear. Oh! And every person i see without glasses become "slenderman" from a distance of ard 2m or above away. Ya i can't see your facial features and sometimes hair if u got very short hair.

So i dun have any memories of seeing the world with my bare eyes(Okay i dun have memories of me being a baby or a bit older, i'm sure most dun). I would wish my eye sight just magically, recover. Hahaha a lot ppl might say, why not just wear contact lens? Okay, i wan to experience the HD/Blueray view of the world with my bare eyes instead of looking thru something to view it. And i dun like+ afraid to put things into my eyes.

Soooo~~ I wanna go eye lasik(is that how they spell it?) Okay, eye laser surgery. Its expensive in the past, but gotten cheaper as the years go by. And higher technological powers too. There are ppl supporting to go, as well as ppl against it.

Some ppl say it will not be good for ur eyes and plus it might not 100% work. Maybe it will return to e.g. 300? but u will still need to wear glasses, just thinner.  Even if ur eyes become "perfect"
there are chances of u returning to the state where ur eyes can't see clearly again.
Yes i agree, i believe everything has a side effect to it. And i consider eyes as one of the most fatal organ(okay all balls are very impt, if u know what i mean~) So it will be damaged very easily. Somemore my eyes from young alrdy bad, so i also have no confident that my eyes will recover too. And maybe there are a lot others side effects that i nvr go research, coz i always get gross out if i see disgusting organs. (There was once, the bio lesson, teacher show a video of a process of the person dissecting the eye of the bull. It really gross me out, i had my eyes close most of the time)

Some ppl says its okay to go for eye lasik. There was once, i was chatting with my GenEd teacher, and i dunno how the topic change to eye sight. He said that he used to wear glasses too, and he went lasik at ard the age of 30, up to now he feel perfectly fine(i tihnk he is ard 40 now). He even said he regreted not going earlier coz your eyes stop developing ard the age of 21-23. And waste his 20s wearing glasses. So i went on and asked him about the eyes going back to long-sighted. He said normally ppl grow old, the eyes will be short-sighted instead. Although he is not a doctor or maybe he hears from a doctor. I haven really go and research about it. But i somehow believe what he said as it makes sense to me. But of coz, even if my eyes are repaired doesn't mean i no need to take care of it, unless robotic eyes LOL! Okay no, even machines need maintenance right? HOHO!

So i think i might give it a try since my eyes is already bad and i might gone blind someday(i always have the thoughts that i will go blind coz my degree very high).
And i hope by the time i'm financially and mentally(as i said i'm scared of things going in my eyes, althought its laser.) the technology will be so advance that it gives 100% of my eye sight back. Best is become forever wun spoil LOL