Saturday 7 April 2012

Awesome Dream

Before i forgets this Awesome and rdm dream. Im gonna blog it down. So ermm.. So i dream about i was ridding a motorcycle, and i was suppose to ride all the way from my house to ermm... doby? To find my parents and help them carry things. So strangely, this motorbike have a some sort of a switch to control its spd, low medium, high. i kept it at medium when turning and high if its a st8 road. Lucky no kana langa by cars LOL. So in the end i reached and i just leave the motorbike there thn ermm.. forgot about it? LOL.

So i woke up thinking, wtf? Like see the motorbike b4, thn i rmbed that when i was young, i use to ride this mini motorbike thing. The step on a petal thn will move de. Same red colour, pattern almost same. LOL And i realize i didn't cared about the traffic and lights when i was in the dream. Totally forgot. LOL

Okay, thats one of my dreams i can rmb

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