Saturday 28 April 2012

The 2nd

Alright, 2 weeks of my year 2 had passed. No much change in classmate although some of them changed to other class but we still see each other in the lecture hall. Back to studying is a very sian thing. So far i still can catch up. But some of this sem teacher really fking weird. Got 1 teacher he keep saying leh or eh or whatever behind his sentences. Even if the sentence no need to use leh or eh he also say. Like what, U all need to understand this eh, rmb the gas go up leh, what do u think the answer is leh? LEH LEH LEH EH LEHLEH. At 1st it was fking funny. But thn later it get quite annoying sia. 45min of leh leh leh. LOL. And one of my classate actually counted the number of leh and eh. about 145+++. siao LEH. And 1 more teacher keep going out of topic, from anything also can out of topic, even telling us the rules of inside the lab also can talk until wat girl here girl there. WTF MAN. but lucky not all are like that. Math teacher is now better thn last year. At least she teach and some CLEAR examples unlike last sem cher, thn make me get D -.-. This sem got thermo 2, like siao only, total dun understand, so that 1 slowly la.

I tot i could save money faster since sch start, but thn all spent on textbook and stuff. NEED TO SAVE MORE!!

So this week got CCA fair, i went to help the MMA booth. Okay, we dun even have a booth actually, the DSD nvr give us, like burn them la wtf. but still a lot of ppl signed up for it until must split to a lot sections of trial for them. I didn't help a lot, mostly sit there watch demo of other CCA. Quite interesting.

Been meeting up with shaw and jas to go home tgt. Met wj and jas for KFC DOUBLE DOWN. WOO!! One of the best burger EVER! But fking oily sia. Two meat, as bread, bacon in the middle. Shall eat again nxt time.

Not much thing happen. just go sch survive go home play comp, sleep. so ya thats it.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Too tired

Ahhhh.... actually wan blog 1, but after training so tired. so shall sleep 1st and blog later.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Awesome Dream

Before i forgets this Awesome and rdm dream. Im gonna blog it down. So ermm.. So i dream about i was ridding a motorcycle, and i was suppose to ride all the way from my house to ermm... doby? To find my parents and help them carry things. So strangely, this motorbike have a some sort of a switch to control its spd, low medium, high. i kept it at medium when turning and high if its a st8 road. Lucky no kana langa by cars LOL. So in the end i reached and i just leave the motorbike there thn ermm.. forgot about it? LOL.

So i woke up thinking, wtf? Like see the motorbike b4, thn i rmbed that when i was young, i use to ride this mini motorbike thing. The step on a petal thn will move de. Same red colour, pattern almost same. LOL And i realize i didn't cared about the traffic and lights when i was in the dream. Totally forgot. LOL

Okay, thats one of my dreams i can rmb

Friday 6 April 2012

Mirror Edge Competed!!

HiHi! So i have completed Mirror Edge, a 1st Person view Parkour game. Its about a girl name Faith going around the city in search of information to solve the question of who sabo her sis Kate.

So, this game is rather short, but i took quite long coz i keep dying due to jumping down the buildings.. If i was to parkour, i confirm need more thn 100 lives. The story of the game was okay, as its quite short, and i didn't really pay attention sometimes when they are talking. In this city, Runners are needed to pass sensitive documents to each other, Faith is one of them. They parkour mostly above the buildings. Thn suddenly the Blues, Some police force i assume, keep want to chase Faith. So Faith had to escape from all the police and stuff. I find this game sometimes quite hard, coz the police keep use machine gun and shoot, thn Faith no gun at all. So in the end, Her sister was saved from a helicopter, thn they hug, thn see the scenery thn zoom out the the buildings, thn the end.

Now playing battle field 3.

Monday 2 April 2012

Back to blog!

Muhahaha!! Im back to blogging since i had nth to do. So holiday is like going to end in two weeks time.. I really dun wan go back sch to study. Today my fren showed me nxt sem modules.. I see liao jitao sian.. Out of 5, 4 need maths.. Means got calculations ad formulas and such.

Aprfool no troll or kana troll. In fact i dun really know why got this day.

So During the holidays, I did a lot of gaming, anime and uh.. sleep? Hahaha and my parents finally bought a new TV! Woohoo!! Sooooo gonna get a ps3 thn can play. But 1st need save money. recently also very tight on money. Holiday, my mum only give me $5 for lunch if she not buying for me. Must save!

Just finished playing alice madness return a week ago(Oh as well as Mcgee Alice) . The game is AWESOME. The story, the stages, etc.  Although its just a game, but Dr bumby is really a @#$@#%@#, dying is not even enough to pay for his sins. The ending of the game was pretty awesome. But thn i couldn't really understand. I assumed that alice is being insane forever? Coz the ending place was her wonderland combined with london, with makes londerland. Reality mixed with illusions/imaginations i guess. Throughout the game, the characters such as Cheshire cat, talk very chim, almost every sentence is like a riddle of advice. Wah couldn't understand much.
Here are some of my Fav quotes From the game
"I've heard self-reliance is a virtue. Now you've heard it."

"Seek and ye shall find they say, but they don't say what you'll find."
"Every picture tells a story, sometimes we don't like the ending... sometimes we don't understand it."
"Only a very few find the way, and most of them don't recognize it when they do. Some don't even want to.."
By Cheshire cat, Alice Madness

"The whole truth you claim to seek eludes you, because you won't look at what's around you!"
"Madness and destruction. You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to, it's not polite."
"You don't know your own mind."
By Queen of Hearts, Alice Madness

Now Currently im playing Mirror edge. 1st time playing Parkour in 1st person view. Quite interesting, and challenging when Blues(the cops) are shooting at u and u gonna fight them without guns!? LOL Gonna complete soon.

Watched a lot of anime too. Angel Beats( actually this 1 long ago watched le), Nijijou, Gosick, Baka to test shoukanjuu, Hidan no Aira, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, And any more.. Shall review on them when i have time/bored.